

【作 者】(英)罗琳著;阎玉敏译
【页 数】 169
【出版社】 天津:天津科技翻译出版公司 , 2011.01
【分 类】英语-汉语-对照读物-儿童文学-长篇小说-英国-近代
【参考文献格式】 (英)罗琳著;阎玉敏译. 哈利、波特与魔法石. 天津:天津科技翻译出版公司, 2011.01.







Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone emerged fromthe creative mind of J.K. (Joanna Kathleen)

Rowling on a train ride from Manchester to London in 1990. Rowling was a single mother of an

infant daughter and living on welfare in Edinburgh, Scotland, when she began the novel. Putting pen to paper in a cafe while her baby, Jessica, napped, Rowling soon skyrocketed to fame and fortune. While she received an advance of only £2,500 (approximately $3,500 American) for the novel from her Briti- sh publisher, Bloomsbury, she has since tecome one of the richest women in the United Kingdom. Her first book was published under the original title Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone*(the book's American publishers feared that mention of philosophers would scare away young readers and changed the title to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone). The book garnered rave reviews in the United Kingdom, where it won the British Book Award's Children's Book of the Year prize, as well as the Smarties Book Prize. Critics have com- pared her to classic children's writers such as Roald Dahl, C.S.Lewis*, and J.R.R. Tolkien*, who also fused the tra- ditional adventure story with fantastic elements drawn from myth and legend.

Soon after the British release of Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone, Arthur Levine, an editorial director for Scholastic Books, bought the American rights to the novel for the impressive sum of $105,000. This money allowed Rowling



《哈利。波特与魔法石》 的创作灵感产生于乔安 娜.凯瑟琳。罗琳 1990年从曼彻斯特到伦敦的一次 火车旅行中。 罗琳开始这部小说的创作时, 已经是一个女婴的单身母亲了, 仅靠着苏格兰爱丁堡的福利金 生活。每天在婴儿杰西卡睡着后 ,她就到一家咖啡馆 写作。不久,她便大获成功 名利双收。开始,她从英国 出版商布路姆斯伯利公司那里仅拿到 了2500英镑 (约合3500美元)的预付金, 而后一跃成了英国最富 有的女人之一。 她的第一部书最初起名为《哈利.波 特与哲学家的石头》 (这部书的美国出版商害怕哲学 家一词会吓跑小读者们,于是更名为 《哈利.波特与 魔法石》) 这部书在英国好评如潮,荣获了“英国国家图书奖最佳儿童读物”和“史马蒂图书金奖”。评论家 把她与罗尔德戴尔、C.S.刘易斯以及J·R·R· 托尔金等经典的儿童作家相提并论, 他们也是从神话 与传奇中汲取奇异的要素来讲述传统的历险故事。

《哈利·波特与哲学家的石头》 在英国出版后不 久,斯柯拉斯蒂克出版社的主编亚瑟 菜弗恩就以 105000 美元的天价买下了这部书的美国版权,这笔钱使得罗琳可以辞掉她教书的 工作而全身心地投入 到她的创作中。《哈利. 波特与魔法石》在美国出版 后,几乎瞬间成了一个出版大热门, 连续几个月一直 高居《纽约时报》的畅销书榜首 ,这部书的独到之处在


to retire from a teaching job and devote herself entirely to writing. When it was released in America, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone almost immediately Became a publishing sensation, holding the top spot on the New York Times


Best-Seller List for several months. The book was unique in attracting both young and adult readers; indeed, the British publisher issued an edition with a less colorful cover for grown-ups to read on trains without having to hide the novel hehind a newspaper. Spurred by the success of her first book, Rowling produced a number of sequels, which have won the Smarties Book Prize so often (in three consecutive years)that Rowling has requested that her books no longer be considered candidates for the prize. To date, the Harry Potter empire in- cludes five books in the Potter series, a couple of related works written by Rowling for charity(Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantastical Beasts and Where to Find Them), and two major motion pictures produced by Warner Brothers.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone draws on a long tra- dition of English fantasy works that seem to be for children but are in fact deep allegories* of the human condition. Rowling herself has stated that her book is really about imagination and that practicing wizardry is only a metaphor for developing one’s full potential. On one level, the story is a thriller with a crim- inal plot (the planned theft of the Sorcerer's Stone) that is thwarted by a group of brave students, as C. S. Lewis’ Namia books - childhood favorites of Rowling's - are about children who explore a strange land and perform heroic deeds. But on a deeper level, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, like the Narnia books, illustrates the challenges and adventures of growing up. Rowling's book outlines every child's ordeal of 3

