






正如今天维基解密和阿桑奇背后的故事一样,真相是这个世界上最重要的事情。 《新海:撼动中国》致力于研究原著和真实案例,切入点剖析武昌起义的真相。为什么会在一次意外事件中成功?为什么这个看似不可避免的起义局势让中国君主制陷入停顿?追求历史的真相总是那么重要。人家说右派文字喜欢讲真话,讲经过深思熟虑的真话。纵观1911年辛亥革命的全貌,晚清民国的大变局,可能只是历史成败关键的1%。如果你今天了解鑫海,你就会百分百了解。




晚清的风尚之一是提倡武术精神,号召文人弃文而随武。人们来到日本,寻找日本强大的原因,说西方乃至日本之所以强大,就是因为这种武魂。 《新海:撼动中国》独家呈现1911年日本绘制的武昌起义地图,并附有专门的附录,了解清末民国初义、形势、形势等二十个关键词。派对、武术、军队、留在日本、八面旗、节日、商业团、学校、辫子、旗帜、暗杀、炸弹、报纸禁令、新军队、国会、选举、军费开支、税收,阅读这些微博摘录比谈论邪恶的旧社会有用得多。


1911 年,1911 年,10 月 10 日晚上的零星枪声震撼了一个疲惫的旧帝国,就像泰山崩塌一样。武昌发生的事情是一个意外,一个意外中的意外。这场意外毁掉了一个王朝,就像一个开关,把古代中国变成了另一个轨道。在中国,第一次出现了没有君主的政治,在亚洲,第一次出现了有参众两院的民主共和国。

百年风雨,回望鑫海。在大革命中,过场动画都是大人物,很多影响历史的辉煌明星。总督相貌 党员大棒 名人案例 骑士风采 八旗之枪 新军之子弹 帮派殿堂 勇者之勇刺杀组……仙虎犬,玩的好坏,正在改变历史。其中,惆怅低垂,一拍三叹,直追三国和先秦。








新海:震撼中国 pdf 预览




年表 1911:中国与世界

序言 1911 年革命前后,震撼中国


第 2 幕:有什么不同!晚清!


第 4 幕:国王帽下的人

第 5 幕谁在革命,如何革命

第 6 幕:匆忙中的巨龙


第 8 幕:笔与枪


第 10 幕:革命经济学








其实,在这次起义之前,1904年,以黄兴为首的湖南革命党人也曾发动过一次典型的革命党起义。和孙中山之前的起义类似,他们也是先筹钱买枪,先发工资。 ,动员党后。湖南老兄弟会的领袖马富义被革命党人愚弄了。为此,黄兴所在的华兴会有一些家族成员,包括黄兴、刘奎义、杨守仁、龙章、刘达仁、彭元勋等。他确实筹集了很多钱,买了数百支枪械,并任命了马傅义为少将。但是,如果涉及同盟党,那就麻烦了。即使是起义和叛乱,也很难对邦联党员保守秘密。吐出秘密。在革命党这一边,也有长着大刺的革命者。据湖南革命老人邹永成回忆,当时的江西革命党机关是因为曹雅博,后来参加武昌起义,举办了“扬州十日”、“嘉定”。 “三杀”和“倒退”散布街头,结果也被清政府破解。总之,这场消耗了黄兴精力和财产的起义,还没来得及发动就被消灭了。付出了湖南葛老协会会长马富义的性命,党员死逃亡。




但是,不管是皇帝的希望,还是享受民主的好处,对于一群没有受过训练,没有新武器,甚至没有钱可得的帮派成员来说,真正的起义并不太渴望造反。 .画蛋糕。起义者手持原始武器,甚至手无寸铁,当他们遇到带实弹的清军时,枪声一响,大部分人都被分散了。老惠兄弟的首领姜守丹率领一万余名叛军,攻打浏阳县城。城内的清军不到两个营,却敢出城打仗,一战就把叛军打散了。在国民党的历史叙述中,只有个别的英勇战士,一手拿着钢刀,一手拿着锅盖,英勇杀敌。显然,即便是这样的勇者,他手中的锅盖,无论是木头还是铁头,都可能足以挡住弓箭,遇到快速的后膛炮也无济于事。


后来的国民党史学家一直把平六里起义者称为党军。事实上,如果这群乌合之众是党军,那也是党的党,而不是革命党的党。翻看当时清朝的官方档案,湖广总督张志东、两江总督端芳等湘赣两省地方官员,一直把这次起义称为“黑帮”叛乱。 ,但他们后来抓住了革命。人后,我提了几个“孙党”,没想到是革命党的起义。真是令人失望,宿敌根本不给革命党任何面子,完全抹杀了他们的功绩。


在校学生更容易受到革命思想的影响,这在世界各地都是相似的。 1911年革命前的中国也不例外。但是,如果有学校,它是革命者为了起义而建的,他们教的东西实际上是枪棒跳舞,做运动和射击目标,这样的学校实际上可以得到官方的批准。清朝。它已经存活了两年多,这仍然有点不寻常。 1907年夏,由于不满同盟将全部权力投向两广,同盟会中原维新会成员计划在浙皖发动起义。这次起义的核心基地是一所学校,绍兴大同学校。



但是,光复会的成员,像孙中山等他们不喜欢的人,喜欢联系党,利用这个地下社会的力量发动起义。浙南、浙东山区的兄弟会,多年来比广东、广西的同志还狂野。分散,头部被夺走,潜伏了一会儿,然后回来。随着有文化、见多识广的革命党员的加入,兄弟会将更加强大和勇敢。在大同这样的学校,当地好人家的孩子自然不敢来。来这里的人都是粗鲁的有钱人,聚会的人很多。全国各地的会议党都以此地为据点,来此驱散海底,吃酒吃肉,议论造反。里面的学生时不时上街闹事,尤其是徐锡麟不在的时候,接班的校长也忍不住了。当时,这所学校被当地人称为“强盗学校”。 1907年初,秋瑾接任校长。虽然秩序稍微好一点,但女性革命者更加激进。他们干脆把金华、滁州、绍兴三州的领导招到学校当众练枪。日发射。秋瑾自己也公然一袭长裙,持刀骑马进出绍兴城。土绅士不但不喜欢,还觉得有一定的威胁,于是埋怨。大同书院一触即发。 1907 年 7 月 6 日,徐锡麟和秋瑾计划在浙皖发动起义,后来推迟到 19 日。





但是,国民党较早的关于这次起义的记载,并没有提到孙中山开炮,只说孙中山到了镇南关,清军进攻的时候,一个法国退休军官来了。和他一起开了一门大炮。 ,杀死60多个敌人等等。一位据说参与起义的人(梁烈亚)回忆说,是孙中山下令炮手还击,法军也效仿,没有说有多少清军被杀。清末民国时期,称某人为“大炮”,其实一点也不恭维。一般而言,据说此人是个大嘴巴,胆小怕事。孙中山被称为大炮的很多场合,显然是在这个意义上。所以,孙中山有没有开这门大炮是另外一回事,但他肯定不会因为他开这门大炮而得到“大炮”的称号。但这次起义因为有孙中山的存在而具有特殊的意义。


在清朝的官方记录中,没有记载起义者如何占领堡垒。只是一大群歹徒来作案。当时的广西总督张明启甚至称,给朝廷的电报里有4000个黑帮。前线指挥员陆荣廷的报告对战斗进行了详尽的描述。又说,血战七日七夜,杀敌。缴获了六十或七十支枪,重新夺回了堡垒。 Of course, Zhang Mingqi, the governor of Guangxi, who was about to hand over to the Ministry for deliberation, would be fine if he committed the crime and made merit. Lu Rongting was greatly rewarded and was promoted to an official position.

However, in the memories of He Sui, a senior officer of the new army who later served in the new army in Guangxi, he mentioned the border of Guangxi. At that time, the forts in the area of ​​Zhennanguan in Guangxi were all built by Su Yuanchun, the military chief of Guangxi in the 1880s and 1890s. By the time of the New Deal at the end of the Qing Dynasty, the cannons had long since rusted and could not be used. The border is uninhabited for dozens of miles, and it is very desolate. When I asked a local official about the Zhennanguan Uprising, they said that the fort was occupied by the revolutionaries. No one knew at that time. Later, it was discovered that the blue sky and white sun flags were planted on the fort, and only then did they know that the revolutionaries were coming. Then Long Jiguang (Lu Rongting's boss) dispatched troops and bombarded them with cannons for several days, but there was no movement. In the report of Longzhou Customs to the superior, it also said that the revolutionaries themselves evacuated, and the Qing army made a big splash when they occupied it.

According to Hu Hanmin, who followed Sun Yat-sen to Nanguan, the French artillery captain who followed Sun Yat-sen found that only one of the three forts could be used. But these cannons were all aimed at Vietnam, and they couldn't hit the Qing troops even if they fired their cannons. If they wanted to change their direction, but there were no craftsmen, even if there were craftsmen, they couldn't change it for a while. It is impossible for Sun Yat-sen to fire the cannon by himself, and even the French firing the cannon has become impossible. In Liang Liya's memory, the Qing soldiers also discovered that the flag of the revolutionary army was flying on the fort, only to find that the fort was lost, and the defender of the fort had already joined the revolution. However, in the official archives, the news that the Zhennanguan Fort fell into the hands of the revolutionaries was not learned by local officials and defenders, but by the military aircraft department of the imperial court from Longzhou Customs, which was then relayed by the military aircraft department. The governor Zhang Mingqi ordered him to recover immediately. Longzhou Customs learned that the fort was occupied on October 28 in the 33rd year of Guangxu. Zou Lu recorded that the revolutionaries had already occupied the fort on the 26th. For almost three days, no one knew about the revolutionary uprising. The customs of the Qing Dynasty were handled by foreigners. They were busy with their own business, but they became the official first source of information. Therefore, in this uprising, it is very likely that these forts on the border of Guangxi have been deserted for a long time. Although there are defenders in name, there are actually no one. The revolutionaries just bought some stragglers and occupied the unguarded fort in Zhennanguan. During the occupation, there was no fighting. Otherwise, the fleeing enemy troops would have told their superiors no matter what. If the revolutionaries were not too flamboyant, no one would know how many days would pass. But the uprising happened after all, and Sun Yat-sen also went to the front. By the time the Qing troops counterattacked, these people had already withdrawn from Vietnam. The two sides did not lose a soldier or a soldier, and the "blood battle" exists only on the pen of both sides. Then, the Qing army had to make up a story, the commanders Long Jiguang and Lu Rongting wanted credit, and the governor Zhang Mingqi wanted to be excused. Although the cliché of "killing the enemy doesn't count" is actually not believed by anyone, but as long as the "lost ground" has been recovered, it's time to celebrate and ask for a reward. Naturally, there is no problem. On the side of the revolutionary party, the uprising that Sun Yat-sen personally attended, of course, also has a story. Several generations have come down like this, not only the number of participants, but also how the guns were fired, each person said the same thing. Calling Dahang's rewards as ideological and political work, coupled with petitioning to the poor and asking for hardships, has left a profound imprint on the later era. The worst part of the story is that the superior enemy army actually asks to surrender before the battle. What is even more strange is that the revolutionary party is not allowed to surrender such a powerful enemy, and it has to "blood war" with others. In the second half of Zou Lu's journal, a letter from Sun Yat-sen was recorded. In the letter, Lu Rongting's request to surrender was very abruptly changed to "come more to make an appointment" for Lu soldiers. The first payment is 30 yuan per person, and then another 100 yuan. In this case, Lu Rongting's 4,000 people will need more than 100,000 yuan just to pay the first payment. Lu Bu was the strongest army in Guangxi, and when this army was bought, Guangxi also won. However, the money could not be raised, and the uprising had to abort. It seems that Sun Yat-sen at that time did not dare to be like his descendants. However, Zou Lu, a historical pen of the Kuomintang, did not even close such a flaw and brought it out, which shows that it is not easy.

A story to be told on both sides naturally becomes an event, an uprising. Although, even an uprising may be just a story.

Huang Huagang: The Revolutionary Party and the People

Revolutionaries during the 1911 period were a typical heroic view of history. They are heroes and the common people are gangsters. Revolution is to realize the liberation first and then realize later, and rescue the gangsters with heroes. Therefore, starting from the Xingzhonghui, all revolutions and uprisings are essentially conspiracy riots by a few people. In the past, textbooks always accused revolutionary parties of not mobilizing the masses, but in the dictionary of revolutionaries, the concept of mobilizing the masses did not exist at all. They believe that revolution does not require mobilization, and that mobilizing the people at the bottom does more harm than good to the revolution. In other words, as far as the revolution is concerned, the common people are passive creatures.

Actually, most of the condescending revolutionists have compassion for the common people. Their revolution, to a large extent, is to save the common people and pull them out of the slave state of foreign (Manchu) rule. It has both the meaning of national liberation and the value of resisting tyranny. This feeling gave them decisive revolutionary legitimacy. Therefore, although most of the revolutionaries' uprisings and rebellions have failed, there are not many revolutionists who are traitors after being arrested.

The Huanghuagang Uprising in Guangzhou in April of the 1911 year was the uprising that the revolutionaries spent the most time, spent the most, and sacrificed the most before the Wuchang Uprising. Much has been said about the course of this uprising. To put it simply, it was Wen Shengcai, who was fighting alone, who came out to assassinate Fu Qi, which made the Qing Dynasty officials heighten their vigilance and hunt down party members, thus sabotaging the plan of the uprising. At that time, only the road led by Huang Xing really moved, and the original new army and defense battalion did not respond. Failure of the uprising is inevitable. In this uprising, the revolutionaries made careful planning and preparations, and raised the most money, more than 170,000. According to the standards of the time, it was enough to arm a town's army. Qing Dynasty officials also said that the firearms of the rebels were more advanced than theirs. However, even such an uprising mobilized only 800 selected vanguards - vanguards selected from the provinces. When it was really launched, there were less than 400 people, and only a hundred people attacked the Governor's Mansion, but they dared to launch it rashly. It seems that in the eyes of the revolutionaries, as long as they move, this person is enough to wipe out the huge Guangzhou. The common people in Guangzhou will follow them, but if they don't, they will not help the Qing government.

In the Huanghuagang Uprising, generally speaking, the revolutionaries treated the common people well. In their minds, revolution is to rescue the people from suffering. Therefore, when they encounter difficulties with the people, no matter what the situation is, they will help them involuntarily. When the Revolutionary Party attacked the Governor's House, it would temporarily stop its action whenever it encountered the elderly and children. It was originally planned to drop a bomb in a coffin shop, but because the shop's women and children lived behind the shop, they abandoned it. During the action, I met a girl who was separated from her family and was crying on the street. The party members told her to go away. She was so frightened that she could only cry and could not move her legs.这个党人只好拉着她,走入旁边一条街,想给她找个人家躲躲,可是连敲数家都不开门,最后党人敲一家裁缝店的门,还不开,党人大怒:再不开用炸弹炸了!这家不得已把门打开,党人令其接下女孩,方才离去。
