

【作 者】吴景荣,程镇球主编
【页 数】 2176
【出版社】 北京:商务印书馆 , 2000.08
【价 格】185.00
【分 类】汉语(学科: 英语) 汉语 英语 词典
【参考文献】 吴景荣,程镇球主编. 新时代汉英大词典. 北京:商务印书馆, 2000.08.







阿宫汗Afthan Afghanistan:-人Afghan


阿哥age(方言〉0 elder brother:大-eldest brother:Number

One intimate form of address for a man of about one's same age;bro





阿根廷Agenting Argentina:-人Argentine



grandpa polite form of address for an old man

阿家阿翁Cg0-aweng als0“同家翁"(家same as姑)0 woman's

a(方言》0 prefiz used to form a term of endearment

father-in-law snd mother-in-law:不痴不靠,难作~。It would be dif

with a pet name,monosyllabic surname,or number denoting or-

ficult to play the role of father-or mother-in-law if you were neither

der of seniority in a family:~方A Fang/~财ACai/~洪A

stupid nor deaf.head of a family

Hong A Da-the eldest (son in a family)prefir used be

阿訇Chong ahung;imam

阿混hin(方言)one who always tries to muddle along:Mr

fore a kinship term:~妈mcm/~爸dad

Muddler:千万不能有-的思想。One must in no case try to muddle

see also:ē

阿贝Abei Ernst Abbe(1840-1905),German physicist:~理论(物

along in life,/机关里有些~式的干部。Some government employees

Abbe's theory/~聚光镜Abbe condenser/-折射计Abbe re.

simply idle away their time in their office


阿基米德Ajimide Archimedes(c.287-212BC),Greek mathe-

阿鼻地狱abi diyu(佛敦)aici,infernal region where souls of

matician and inventor of many devices such as the helical screw(sti!known as Archimedean screw):一原理(物理)Archimedes'

those who have committed grave sins on earth are consigned阿比i让AbIrong Abidian,capital of Cote d'Ivoire(formerly Ivory



阿克拉AkelG Accra,capital of Ghana

阿比西尼亚AbTxiniy的Abyssinia(now called Ethiopia):-人

阿肯kan(方言)folk singer or balladeer of the Kazak nationality阿O A Ki see“阿Q”AQi


阿波罗Abolu6 Apollo,Greek and Roman god of the sun

阿拉lo(方言)0I:me;my:-姆妈my mom②we;us;our

阿波罗飞船Ab6 eichuan(航天)Apollo(spaceship)

阿拉伯Aloh的Arab;Arabia:~商人Arab merchant/-世界Arab

阿波罗计划Abol6ihua《航天)Apol6 programme(moon-land


ing programme launched by NASA of the US in the 1960's and阿拉伯半岛Alobo Banddo Arabian Peninsula;Arabia1970's)

阿拉伯共同市场Alabo Gongtong Shichang Arab Common Mar

阿布扎比Abuzhobl Abu Dhabi,capital of the United Arab Emi-


阿拉伯国家Alobo guojia Arab state or country:-首脑会议Arab



Achang nationality living in Yunnan

Summit Conference


阿拉伯国家联盟AIob6 Gubjia Lianmeng League of Arab States:


Arab League:Pact of the League of Arab States


阿拉伯海AlabohaiArabian Sea

阿斗Addu0 infant name of Liu Shan(刘0、207271),last em-


Alcbo Lionhe Qiuzhangqu6 United Arab

peror of Shu Han(汉,221-263),known for incompetence and

Emirates (UAE).

weakness of character②weak-minded person;foal:扶不起的一

阿拉伯马ālabomoArabian horse

good-far-nothing(orne'cr-do-well)who is beyond help/他简直是


个-。He is simply hopeless,/你如果把他看作~,那你就大错符情了。

阿拉伯沙漠AIb6 Shamo Arabian Desert

You are sadly mistaken if you take him for a fool.

阿拉伯石油输出国组织AIab0 Shiyo)Shuchuguo Zuzhi Organi-



zation of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC)


阿拉伯树胶Alab6 sh心jido〈化工)Arabic gum;gum acacia

阿尔卑斯山A'色rbeisTshan the Alps

阿拉伯数字AIbsh心zl also“阿拉伯数码”Arabic numerals



阿拉伯也门共和国Alab6Y色nen Gongheguo Yemen Arab Re

chidaizheng Alzheimer's disease



阿拉伯语Alaboyu Arabic(language)

阿尔法粒子'eriǒizT(物理》alpha particle

阿拉伯字母Alab6 zimǔalso“呵拉伯字母表"Arabic alphabet

阿尔法射线a'ri伯shexian《物理)alpha ray

阿拉法特AlafateYasser Arafat (1929.)Palestinian leader

阿尔及尔A'erii'er Algiers,capital of Algeri8

阿拉木图Algmutu Alma-Ata,former capital of Kazakhstan

阿尔及利亚A'erjiliyo Algeria:~人Algerian

阿拉斯加Alasilio Alaska:~半岛Alaska Peninsula/-湾Gulf of

阿尔泰山A'ertaishon Altai Mountains(in central Asia)

Alaska/-山脉Alaska Mountains/-拒桶狗Alaskan malamute

afei young hooligan or street rowdy,usually in outlandish



阿里山Allshan Mount Ali(in Taiwan Province).

teenage hooligans,if not taken in hand,will soon become juvenile

阿丽亚娜火箭Allyana huciian(Western Europe)Ariane rocket


阿留申群岛Aliuishen Qundao

Aleutian Islands (southwest of

阿伏伽德罗定律Atujiodeluo dinglo(化学)Avogadro'saw



阿留中人Aliushenren Aleut:Alcutian

2ā一à阿啊锕腌嗄啊阿啊阿留申语AIi心shenyo Aleut(language)

阿鲁巴Alubo Aruba..island in the West Indies


A阿罗汉A6 shin also罗汉"Arh

(叹可》expressing astonishment or admira-

tion:-,太阳出来了!(Oh,the sun has come out!/-,黄河!你是中华

阿s妈nd(方言).0mom:mum polite form of address for an

民族的摇篮!O Yellow River!You are the cradle of the Chinese na-

elderly woman female servant:amah


see also amo

啊哈h3《叹词0 indicating surprise:~,原来是你呀!Aha,so

阿曼Amon Oman:-人Omani/~海Gulf of(Oman/~苏丹国

it is you!②indicating praise or admiration:-,这活做的真不错呀别

Sultanate of Oman

Aha.this job is really well done!indicating awareness of the


situation:-,你又在提弄人,我才不上当呢!Humph!You're pulling

阿猫阿狗mao-dgu(方言)people of any descripticn;people of

my leg again!I won't be taken in this time.indicating a feel-

little importance;Tcm,Dick,and Harry:every man jack:哼!~都

ing of triumph:,这下子你翰了。Aha,you're defeated.

来责怪我!Humph!Even these despicable creatures are picking on

啊呀y心(叹词0 indicating displeasure:~,怎么满地都是水!


Oh no!The floor is flooded!indicating surprise or astonish-

阿美族Ameizu largest tribe of the Gaoshan(高山)nationality

ment:~,我忘带钥匙了!Oh hell!【forgot to take keys with me./

living in :he hilly regions of eastern Taiwan

-,这东西怎么这么重!Oh dear,this is real heavy!自indicating


embarrassment or re5 ignation:-,这事不好办那!Ah。this is too dif

阿盟Ameng(short for阿拉伯国家联盟)Arab League;I.eague of

ficult to handle!or This is a hard nut to crack!

Arab Sta:es

啊哟yo(叹词also“啊喃"indicating surprise,ain,ete.:~,

阿米巴miboamceba:~k肿(医学〉amcebic abscess

下雪了!Oh dear,it's snowing!/~,你联着我的▣了!Ouch:You'rc

阿米巴变形虫mba bienxingchang(计算机》Maltese Amoeba,a

stepping on my foot (or toe)!

computer virus



阿米巴肝炎mlba ganyan(医学)hepatic amoebiasis

钢铅aion〈化学)actinium lead(AcD】

阿米巴痢疾amTba liji(医学)amoebic dysentery

钢系元素xi yuansu(化学)actinides




阿姆哈拉语AmuhalayǔAmharic(language in Ethiopia)


阿姆斯特期Am心sitelangNeil Alden Armstrong (1930.),US

see also yon

astronaut who became the first man on earth to set foot on the

腌微azoO〈方言)filthy;dirty:看你这身油,真-!How dirty you


look with grease all over your clothes!/这水实在太。The water is

阿木林mulin(方言)credulous fool:gullible simpleton;sucker;

really too filthy,②uncomfortable;displeased;resentful:在f他手下工


作时,我受了不少-气。When working under him,I had plenty of

阿奶n心i(方言)0 grandma②polite form of address for an el

pent-up grievances (or I often had to bottle up my feelings).

derly woman

embarass;make look foolish;insult:行了,你就别~他了。That's

阿尼林nilin(化学)aniline:一油aniline oil

enough.Don't make him look foolish any more.


阿沛·阿旺晋美Apet Awangiinmei Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme


(1910-),Tibetan statesman,Vice-Chairman of the Chinese

People's Political Consultative Conference (1993-阿皮亚Apiyo Apia,capital of Western Samoa



see also sha

see al0“鸦片"yapisn

阿婆Qp0(方言)0(a woman's)mother-in-law:mother of one's啊(呵)

白(叹used to ask a further question or re-

husband grandma polite form of address for an elderly woman

que5 t repetition of what was5said:一了到底出什么事了?Pardon,

阿朴吗啡apu ma色i(药学)apomorphine

Q A Qid also A Ki Ah Q,main character in Lu Xun's

what on earth has happened?/-?明天考不考试呀?Wel,is theregoing to be an examination tomorrow?or Shall we sit for the exam

novella The True Story of Ah Q((阿Q正传),1921-1922),a backward peasant who interprets his defeats as moral victories:-


Ah Q spirit/一副-相a complete likeness of Ah Q


阿醛Ggun〈化学)(short for阿拉伯醛)arabinal阿塞拜疆Asaibaijiang


Republic of Azerbaijan


阿是穴ashixue(中医)ashi point,any nerve point on the affect.

ǎ(叹词expressing doubt:-?今天是你的生日?

ed part of the body (i.e.other than those specified for acupuncture

What It's your birthday today?/~?这是怎么回事儿呀?Omy.what the dickens is all this about?

and moxibustion)阿司匹林asTpTlin


阿斯旺Astwang(Egypt)Aswan:~高坝Aswan High Dam


阿建Gti(象声)(sound of sneezing)atishoo,ahchoo阿托品atuopin(药学)atropine:~中#tropinism

阿伊马拉Ayimalo Aymara(indigenous tribe in Peru and

Bolivia):Aymara (language)

see also0;ē

阿姨Gyi(mother's sister;auntie term of address for

age Manchu form of address of parents for their son

any woman of one's mother's generation:auntie:-Auntie Liu

form of address of the Qing royal family for an adolescent prince

谢谢~给我让坐。Thank Auntie for giving me your seat,nurse;

see also oge

nanny:housemaid:幼儿园的~真好。The teachers in the nursery are

阿妈omo also"可嘛"Manchu form of address for father

very kind./~领你去买冰棍。Nanny will take you there to get some

see also ama

ice lollics.


阿以战争A-YT zhanzheng Arab-Israeli wars(1948-1949,1956,

0 expressing consent or agreemen:,那就


走吧。All right,let's go then.@expressing understanding:~,我

阿月浑子ayuehiinzi also"开心果”kaixingupistachio

明白了!Oh,【see,©expressing surprise or admiration:一,伟大的

阿扎尼亚Azoniya Azania(African name for South Africa):~泛

长城:O magnificent Great Wall!!/~,这里怎么有一摊血!WhyH

指主义者大会Pan-African Congress of Azania(PAC)

There's a pool of blood here!


哀0叫aijido cry sadly:斯声~wail s5dly


哀矜ijin sympathize;commiserate:feel compassion for:-其不幸commiserate with sb./脸上.显出-的神色。There was a compas-


sionate look on his face.

a〈助问)0 sed at the end of a sen-


tence to express admiration:好源亮的花儿!What beautiful

哀苦ik0grieved and miserable:无依的如女helpless woman

flowers!used at the end of a sentence as a sign of confirmation

worn down by grief and misery

or defence:这种作法很好~!This way of doing things'is wonderful

哀厉aili(of a sound)sad:窗外风声~。()utside the window,the

indeed!/我没去是因为我有事情~。I didn'tgo,because I was busy

wind was wailing./歌声清越而~。The&ong was supremely clear

③4 sed at the end of a senter#ce to express doubt:他们哥俩儿像不像

and plaintive

-Do the two brothers look like each other.eh?used in the

哀怜ailian feel compassion for:pity:他心头涌起一种激愤、一的复杂

middle of a sentence indicating a short pause to draw attention to

A feeling of indignation and pity welled up in his heart.

what i西to be said next:今天开这个会一,是想听听各方面的意见:

哀凉iliang sad:mournful,desolate:~的歌声mournful tunes of

Look!We are holding this meeting today to make sure that differ-

a song

ent opinions are aired freely./你-,真傻!Look!How silly you are!

哀悯aimin see“怜”

⑤sed after things enumerated:书-、报纸~、笔-,摆了一桌子。

哀鸣iming plaintive whine;wail;lament:孤雁~sad cries of a

The desk is littered with books,newspapers.pens and whatnot.

lone wild goose/我仿佛听到有人在-I seemed to hear somebodywailing.


哀莫大于心死ai moday0 xinsi nothing causes greater sorrowthan despair:no sorrow is greater than despair

哀凄aigT sad:melancholy;mournful::~的哭声heart-rending cry

ai0 grief;SOFTOW:节restrain one's grief/惠-

哀威iqT(书面〉be overcome with sorrow:满目荒谅,令人~。One

grieved or sorrowful)mourning:condolences:-express

feels very sad at heart at the scene of desolation.

one's condolences/默~三分钟observe&three-minute silence自

哀启q(I旧语)biographical sketch of the deceased,.often at

pity;compassion:-其不幸have pity on sb.for his misfortune

tached to the obituary notice

哀哀oi'ai in deep grief:-欲绝be overwhelmed with grief

哀泣aiqi sob:低头~lower one's head and begin to sob

哀兵必胜aibing-bisheng an army burning with righteous indig

哀t切6igie(often used to describe a sound,look,etc.)sad,

nation is bound to win

plaintive;mournful:壤蝉-地叫着。The cicadas shivering in cold

哀愁Cichou lamentation;sorrow:过分~就会伤身体。Excessive

weather were singing mournfully./她用~的眼晴望着他。She looked

sorrow harms one's health

at him with sad eyes


哀求aiqiu entreat;implore:plead piteously:面对歹徒,~是没有用

哀辞aci(书面)writing in mourning of the deceased,.often in

It is no use pleading for mercy when one is accosted by a gang-



哀悼aidaogrieve or mourn over sb.'s death;lament sb.'s death

哀劝iqunadvise in a tearful voice:-advise strongly and

规定全国~三天decree three days of national mourning/对他的逝世,

almost tearfully

我们表示沉痛的-,We express our profound condolences over his哀荣airang〈书面)posthumous honoursdeath.

哀伤aishang grieved:distressed:sad:心t情万分-feel deeply

哀的美教书idimeid加nsh7also“最后通牒”zuihou tongdie ulti

grieved/人死不能复生,大家也不必过于~。As no one can bring the

matum:~serve an ultimatum

dead back to life,it's no use indulging ourselves in sorrow

didioo grieve over sb.'s death express deep sympathy哀思aisT sad memories(of the deceased):grief;sorrow:在烈士数for:树上的鸟鸦不停地叫着,好像在一他源泊无依的苦楚。The rooks on

前默上个花圈,以寄托我们的~。We laid a wreath before the

the trees kept cawing as if to commiserate with him on his wander-

martyr's tomb as a token of our remembrance.

ing life.


unbosom oneself in grief:~冤t情pour out one's

哀而不伤ai'erbushang0 grieve with restraint(of behaviour)

grievances:sadly recount the gross injustice one has suffered

noderate:restrained:先生之诗,~。A gentle sadness pervades his

哀叹iàn,sigh in sorrow:lament:bemoan:bewail:令人~的失敢


lamentable failure/-世间不平之事bewail the injustices of the world

哀惑aigan sadness;grief:生离死别的~涌上心头。The grief of

哀t恸aitong extreme sorrow or grief:举倒-。The entire nation

separation in life and parting at death welled up in his heart.

was overwhelmed by sorrow.

哀感顽艳oign-wonyan(书面)(often used to describe the tone

哀痛aitong grief;sorow:无限-boundless grief/万分im-

of language)the plaintive notes touch the hearts of the slow-witted

mense sorrow/母亲离我而去了,我的-是无法形容的。Words could

as well as the sensitive:这封信写得~。This letter is couched in most

not describe how sad I was after mother's death.

moving terms.

哀婉oiw心n sad and moving:pathetic:歌声-动人。The song was

哀告aigao beg piteously;supplicate;implore:四处-implore

sad and touching.or The song had a pathetic appeal.

everybody's commiserations /present one's case beseechingly

哀艳iyn(书面)(of writing,ete.)sad and beautiful:这首诗-动

哀歌ig0 mournful song:dirge;elegy:一曲~a moumful

A The poem is moving in its sad sentiment and beautiful style.

ong/沉设在一片~声中be plunged into a sea of mournful dirge②

哀怨iyuan plaintive;sad;aggrieved:乐曲锦~。The tune is

sing mournfully

sentimental and plaintive.

哀号aihoo cry piteously:wail:bemoan:他为失去爱子而-。He

哀乐iyu启funeral music

wailed over the death of his dear son.

哀子aizison bereaved of his mother

哀豪ihio0 how!woefully:远处饿狼在-。Hungry wolves were

see als0"孤哀子"g0'aizi

howling in the distance,/受伤的狗在-The wounded dog wasmoaning piteously.②se“度号"


哀鸿遍野aihong-bianyvictims of the disaster can be found ev

erywhere;the land is swarming with famished refugees:要是l旧杜

di(叹词》①used to convey surprise or dissatisfaction:

会,遇上这样大的水灾,早已是~了。If a flood of such magnitude had

-!是老王啊!Why,it's Lao Wang!/~,怎么不早说呢?But why

hit the land in the old days,the stricken area would have been a

didn't you tell me sooner?used as a reminder or warning:

scene of desolation and despair.

大伙儿来歌歇吧IHey,come and have a break,everyone!/-,别把盘

哀呼_aihd cry piteously:wail:-呻吟wail and moan

子碰t了】Look out!Don't knock off the plate!

哀毁骨立aihuT-.gii〈书面)emaciation resulting from grief at the

哎呼aiyo(叹词》0 used to express surprise or dissatisfaction

death of one's parent;mere shadow of one's former self

一!真设想到他会辞职不干了。Why,I never imagined that he would

哀家iia(I旧语〉《usu.used by widowed empress or imperial

throw up his job./~!我忘带眼镜了。My,I forgot to bring my

concubine in old novels and traditional operas )I;me

glasses!/-I我们有二十年没见了。Well,it's twenty years since we


met last..②used to express complaints or impatience:~,丢了太可

ited each household to help solve any difficulty that might exist.

惜了。Ah,it is a pity to part with it.

挨门逐户imen-zhihd also“挨门挨户"go from house to house or

罐哎哟iy0(叹词sedt0 show astonishment or pain:一!玻璃碎

door to door

啦!Hey,the glass is broken./~!好疼!Ouch!It hurts!!

挨排儿aipair〈方言)in proper sequence;one by one;methcdical-


Iy:把今天发生的事儿一想一海,看有没有什么问题。Consider carefullywhat happened today to see if anything went wrong.挨晚aiwan(方言)towards evening;at nightfall

可i〈物理)ang5 trom(A)

埃博拉aibola(医学)Ebola..deadly epidemic newly found in

di(叹词》0 sound indicating response:~,来了!Al


right.【T'm coming!②sound of sighing sadly:-,我真倒e!Ah

埃尔尼诺di'erninu(气象)El Nino(Spanish meaning"holy

how unlucky I am!or What bad luck!

child"),warm but nutrient-deficient Pacific current:El Nino

see also ai

唉声叹气aisheng-tongi heave deep sighs:sigh in despair;moan


and groan:近来他情绪不高,总是~的。Lately he has been in low spir-

埃菲尔铁塔Aifi'er Tieta Eiffel Tower (in Paris):la tour Eif:.fe!

its,moaning and groaning all the time


Egypt:上~Upper Egypt/下-Lower Egypt/~A

唉呀aiya《叹同〉used t0 express5 rpris球or dissatisfaction,com plaints or impatience


Giju ECU (European Currency Unit,replaced by euro from



埃克森公司Aikesen Gongsr Exxon Corporation(US oil corpora-



see also i:ě

埃米尔mi'er emir(title of Muslim ruler,or formerly,male descendant of Muhammad)

埃塞俄比亚Aisai'eblya Ethiopia:~人Ethiopian

see also xT

娱驰fie(方言〉0 father's mother;grandmother:grandma②

挨di0 in the order of:one after another:-人通知inform

polite form of address for elderly women

one person after another/还没有-到他呢。lt's not his turn yet..@near;close to;next to:一肩坐着sit shoulder to shoulder/-墙站者



stand against the wall/人-人people packed like sardines/树一棵

see also ti:i

一棵。Trees are planted close to one another./他家紧-着工厂。Hishouse is next to the factory


see also Ci

挨班儿oibr(口语》in turn:one by one:一年级四个班~打扫教

The four classes of Grade I shall take turns to clean the class

白i(formerly pronounced yan)cancer;carcinoma:致-物carcinogen/原位~preinvasive cancer/原发一primary cancer转移


挨边aibion目keep to the side:马路上行入要-儿走。Pedestrians

性-metastatic carcinoma/结肠-colon cancer/直肠~carcinoma

must keep to the side of the road.(used after a number)be close

(or cancer)of the rectum/肺-ung cancer/肝-liver cancer/子宫

to:我六十-儿了。I'm getting on for sixty.①close to fact:

cancer of the uterus /-cancer in the bones /cancer of the

relevant:你说的一点也不-儿What you said is wide of the mark!

stomach:stomach cancer/乳骤-breast cancer/血-leukaemia/t

挨次aici one by one:in turn:one after another:~领取get sth

道-cancer of the esophagus/皮肤~cancer of the skin:skin cancer

in turn


挨个儿oigr(口语one by one:in turn:-串间interrogate them


one by one/-买queue(or line)up for sth.


oiguing (often used in the early vernacular)carry on a clan

猫扩散ikLu0s动nalso“癌转移”《医学〉metastasis(of cancer);

destine love affair

spread of cancer

挨黑aihei(方》towards evening:at dusk:~儿才收工not knock

癌魔imo(比输》demon of cancer,他函强地同-作斗争。He fights

off until dusk/这孩子怎么~儿还不回家?Why isn't the child back

tenaciously aagainst cancer.the demon that's haunting him.

vet now it's almost dark?

癌前期病变igiangT bingbi〈医学)precancerous lesion

挨户aihu from door to door:from house to house:挨门~搜在癌t切除术iqiechush)(医学)carcinectomy;carcinomectomycarry out a house-to-house search

癌细胞aixibao(医学)cancer cell

挨挤aijl crowd together:大家~在一起。We were crowded togeth

癌细胞溶解bixitao r6 ngiie(医学)carcinolysis

er,/来宾们挨挨挤挤地站了一屋子。The room was packed with visi,遮学Gixue carcinology



see also al

转移aizhuanyi《医学)metastasis of cancer

挨家aijia from house to house:-逐户from door to door/.~打听make enquiries from door to door/你得-去通知。You''ll have to no

皑(皚)i(书面pure white;snow white

tify them from house to house.

皑皑i'i(书面)snow white:-积雪vast expanse of white snow

挨肩擦背Oion-cabei also“挨肩擦脑"rub shoulders:be crowded

皑白6 ibai pure white;dazzling white:一的梨花遍布山谷。Thc


valley is dotted all over with white pear blossoms.

挨肩儿aijianr(口语)(of brothers or sisters)be close in age:他们兄弟三人~,每一个只大一岁。The three brothers5 are close in age;on

挨(捱)ai suffer:endure:-endure (or suffer

is only a year older than another.

from)cold go hungry:be starved/be given a telling of;

挨近Cijin get close to;be near to:寺庙~深山。The monastery is

get a scolding/-了-记耳光get a box on the ear②drag out:了'

situated near a range of mountains../他家~我家。He lives next

年又-年drag out a miserable existence year after year/生了-场大

door to me.or He i8 my next-door neighbour./请挨我近一点。

病,终于-过来了。I've been very ill,.but finally managed to pull

Please come a bit closer.

through.自delay:put off:今天能解决的事,为什么要~到明天?Why

挨靠·aikoo0 lean against:lean on:她~在他的扇头上。She leaned

should we put off till tomorrow sth.we can settle today?

on his arm./那两个孩子~着坐在荷角。The two children huddled to-

see also ai

gether on the5 treet corner,.⑦depend on:他从小设了父母,设个-e


(方言)be reproached or reprimanded:geta

He lost his parents as a child,and has had nobody to rely on.

scolding:get a dressing-down:这孩子太淘气,~活该!He is such a

挨门Oirr加from door to door:她~去访间,帮助解决困谁。She vis

naughty boy that he deserves a dressing-down.

