
编者评论:热力学和统计力学 pdf




















宏观系统有几个可直接观察到的量,例如气体压力 p、体积 V 和温度 T。热力学描述了这些量之间的关系,而现象学描述了系统的整体行为。统计力学的目的是研究宏观物体的行为和性质所遵循的一种特殊规律,




1 统计规律

考虑在体积为 V 的空间中有 N 个服从经典哈密顿动力学的粒子,这个系统的状态由这些粒子的坐标和动量决定(r1, r2,···, rN; p1, p2 , ···, pN) ≡ (rN, pN) 给出,这种状态也称为微观构象态或构象态。

构象状态对应于由 rN 和 pN 跨越的 6N 维相空间中的一个点。假设系统哈密顿量为 H(rN, pN) = K(pN) +U(rN),则运动方程为








2 个规范合奏





Gibbs 在 1902 年引入了集合的概念,集合是满足一定统计分布的物理实体的集合。通过获取整体的统计平均值来计算对象的属性。对于合奏的概念,马耿认为“没有必要,不切实际”。确实,“


物理系统也是通过分发来准备的。由于历史原因,“合”字也没有必要废除,只要与“分布”同义就足够了。 Gibbs 的集成理论是一种公理化表示,它同意如何编写分布函数,无论它来自何处。对于正则分布,可以给出以下对最大熵原理的解释。

假设所有决定系统哈密顿量的外部参数,如粒子数、体积等变量都已给定,则系统在相空间的分布记为P(rN, pN),并且对系统施加的唯一约束如下 U 是一个固定值:

这里 E 是系统能量。根据最大熵原理,系统的分布应为

这里 Z 被定义为归一化因子或“状态总和”或配分函数,如下所示:

此分布 P(rN, pN) 在唯一约束 U(或当 U 是唯一可测试信息时)下最大化熵

(对于统一的分布,熵等于国家数量的对数,因此可以将熵理解为有效状态数量的对数。玻尔兹曼常数 kB = 1 。分布参数β=1/T,即温度T的倒数或倒数,






注意等压热容CV =(∂U/∂T)N,V的定义有
2 = β-2CV。能量波动与温度的平方成正比,表明它可以作为温度的量度,反映分子轨道的混合程度。


3 个微正则系综

canonical 系综直接描述了 T-V-N 定恒温、定容、定质量系统。具有固定T-P-N和其他集合分布的Gibbs集合分布可以从正则分布推导出来,并且可以证明不同集合之间的等价性。

整体等价的推导要求系统和热浴都很大。正则分布中的体积是固定的,而 Gibbs 系综分布中的体积是波动的,但根据中心极限定理,当系统较大时波动趋于零。




这里Hi和|ψi>是哈密顿量的特征值和特征向量。如果取微正则系综的极限ω → 0,则原始的δ(​​H-E)将是有问题的,因为当能面宽度小于能级区间时,能级计数可能为零。

复杂系统的能级简并几乎只是偶然发生,最终的能级计数随能量值离散变化,导数只能取零或无穷大。因此,需要通过平滑函数 f 来保持能量面的宽度,NVE 系综成为 NVE-ω 系综。

这里C是重复计数校正因子(例如粒子当量),W对应于加宽能量面的有效体积,因此W = ω(dv/dE)。


对应的温度可以定义为 1/Tv = dSv /dE 和 1/Ts =1/TB = dSs /dE = dSB/dE。可以从体积熵推导出来


例如,没有指明热流的方向。 (系统1、2及其复合系统的能量分别记为E1、E2和E12=E1+E2、一般来说,dSv1/dE1=dSv2/dE2并不保证dSv1/dE1=dSv2/dE2=dSv, 12 /dE12 .

仅在复合系统微正则系综的平均意义上,dSv,12 /dE12 =


E12、 ) 它们在处理复合系统方面存在严重困难,并且还具有负温度,因为系统状态密度不一定是单调的。

微正则系综是否等同于其他系综,例如正则系综?从正则系综看微正则系综,当且仅当微正则系综的 E 满足系统的内能 E = U 时,波动被忽略,两个系综等价。阶段


是能量守恒。这时,系统的总能量应该接近内能才有意义。但是,系统的内能一般是事先不知道且不可控的,因此通常通过缩放平均动能来调节,或者通过模拟恒温器热储库(例如 Nosé-Hoover)的算法来调节。 NH) 恒温器。

4 相变和遍历中断

Ising 模型具有最低能量状态,其中所有自旋在温度 T = 0 时平行排列。由于铁磁相互作用参数 J > 0,相邻自旋方向的排列对能量有益,但这种排序是有害的为熵。然而,在非常低的温度下,

<σi σi>

没有磁场的伊辛模型关于自旋的上下方向是对称的。似乎 M 的精确计算只会导致零,因为对于总自旋 m = Σi σi 为正的每个配置,必须有另一个 m 为负的对称配置,相互抵消。


定义总自旋m=Σi σi为给定值μ的所有构型之和,“准构型和”y(μ)和“准自由能”g(μ)定义如下:< /p>p>

那么配分函数显然是 Y(T,h,N) =Σμ y(μ) =Σμe-βg(μ),而 y(μ)/Y 是观察到总自旋为微米。从上面关于自发磁化的讨论中,可以假设函数 g(μ) 作为一维有效势能表现如下:








5 热力学极限和分布支持

最终证明了统计力学与热力学的对应依赖于热力学极限的存在,而这个极限的存在是后验的,与系统哈氏合金量的性质密切相关(Bogolyubov ( 1946)、van Hove (1949)、Yang-Lee (1952)、Fisher-Ruelle (1966))。

以巨正则系综为例,有必要证明极限 limV → ∞V-1 log Ξ 的存在。李阳考虑了一个比较一般的系统哈密顿量,证明了它的热力学极限的存在。耿马提到了李阳证明的可能扩展,并指出李阳二体势不符合电磁相互作用等最重要的物理力。



Gibbs 引入了一个巨大的规范系综来处理化学反应系统。以H+H→H2的反应,即氢原子结合成氢分子为例,对比量子力学和统计力学。量子力学从二氢原子的哈密顿量出发,在 Born-Oppenheimer 近似下分离原子核的自由度,

然后求解电子的薛定谔方程,求出电子能级 Ui(R) 作为与原子核距离 R 的函数,然后将束缚态解释为氢分子。在统计力学处理中,氢原子和氢分子必须在一开始就包含在大正则系综中。从纯氢哈密顿量开始,

不可能从统计力学中获得氢分子。纯氢原子体系的相空间不同于氢原子和氢分子混合体系的相空间,这与各态的突破有关。一级相变可以看作是最简单的化学反应 A→B,必须用相应的宏观正则系综来处理。


6 热力学对应:热和自由能






,也称为状态方程,描述了热力学系统中不完全独立的多个状态变量之间的关系。热力学过程是与热力学状态空间中的路径相对应的热力学状态的变化。 (非平衡过程没有路径表示。)热力学过程需要仔细定义自变量和因变量。

If the pressure is selected as an independent variable in the isobaric process, it is preset to remain unchanged, and the change in the volume of the dependent variable can be deduced from its change. Thermodynamics is just a phenomenological theory. For example, the equation of state satisfies certain thermodynamic constraints, but cannot be derived from thermodynamics because it is related to the material constitution of the system. Deriving thermodynamic relations and calculating thermodynamic quantities from molecular knowledge is the task of statistical mechanics.

The first law of thermodynamics defines internal energy, dividing it into work and heat, but only internal energy is a state variable, and heat and work depend on the process rather than the state variable. The most common work is the mechanical work Wmech = -pdV, where p is the pressure, the volume decreases when the external work is done on the system, and Wmech is positive. The general form of work is W=Σi fidXi, where fi is the generalized force and Xi is the generalized displacement.

In statistical mechanics, the internal energy U is the average energy:

Here, the probability density is P = e-βE /Z for the regular distribution. At this time, the temperature β and the number of particles N are external parameters, and the volume V is an independent variable. Therefore, the change in internal energy is

The limitation of the system by the wall of the device leads to the change of the Hamiltonian of the system with volume as dE/dV = -p, where p is independent of the microscopic conformation or configuration, so dE = -pdV, the first term in square brackets gives Work out. By the probability density we have

The second term in square brackets thus corresponds to

That is, the endothermic term. (It has been considered here that log Z is constant and the probability P is normalized, so the corresponding term of log Z has no contribution.) So far, the first law of thermodynamics has been deduced

This formula can be directly extended to the general form of work. If the number of particles is allowed to change and μ =(∂U/∂N)β,V is introduced, then

Here μ is called the chemical potential, which measures the internal energy added by adding a particle to the system. In summary, the change in internal energy caused by changing the Hamiltonian is work, while the change in internal energy corresponding to a change in distribution is heat.

The second law of thermodynamics, a fundamental assumption that can be applied to any heat-related system, has many different formulations to explain irreversible phenomena in nature. An expression by Clausius is that heat cannot spontaneously travel from cold to hot.

In the language of statistical mechanics, the second law of thermodynamics can be expressed as the minimum principle: the free energy of a system in a thermal reservoir always decreases during the spontaneous process. The "decrease" here indicates the direction of the thermodynamic process, and it means "towards equilibrium", which is beyond the scope of interpretation of equilibrium statistical mechanics. Equilibrium statistical mechanics only expresses the principle of minimum: the free energy of the equilibrium state is the smallest among all states.

To keep the notation simple, the summation is used instead of the integral below. For any two distributions {Pi} and {Qi}, the relative entropy is defined as D(Q, P) = ΣiQilog(Qi /Pi) , using log x ≤ 1 - x , let x = Pi /Qi , it is easy to prove that D( Q, P) ≥ 0,

And the equal sign only holds when {Pi} and {Qi} are equal. Now denote the canonical distribution of the system as {Pi} = Z-1 exp(-βEi) , assuming that {Qi} is another arbitrary distribution of the system. According to the non-negativity of relative entropy, there are


Q is the mean of the random variable X under the distribution Q. Established by the simultaneous equal sign of P and Q, there is


It is the Helmholtz free energy in thermodynamics. Accordingly, the Helmholtz free energy of the general distribution Q can be defined as

According to (13), writable

That is, the free energy of the equilibrium state is the minimum. By the way, the inequality relationship here is consistent with the maximum entropy principle that regular distributions have maximum entropy. It is worth noting that the temperature T that appears in the definition of the free energy FQ is of the equilibrium distribution P, or of the thermal reservoir. That is to say, the free energy of any state is only defined for the system in the thermal reservoir. Using (12) again, we can get

The above formula is the free energy change of the equilibrium process, that is, the reversible process, which can be specially recorded as (dF)rev. Considering the constant temperature and constant capacitance process from non-equilibrium state to equilibrium state, at this time (dF)irrev <(dF)rev = 0 , we can generally write dF ≤ -SdT - pdV + μdN . The definition of the free energy of the general state of the system, that is, the non-equilibrium state, is given above, but the direction of the thermodynamic process tends to be in equilibrium and cannot be derived from the equilibrium distribution.

7 The Arrow of Time: Irreversibility

Macroscopic irreversibility is vividly called the "arrow of time", which dominates all macroscopic phenomena. Microscopic reversibility and macroscopic irreversibility seem to be incompatible, which makes people very tangled. From the perspective of historical development of statistical mechanics, non-equilibrium research represented by molecular kinematics comes first, and equilibrium research comes later. The former involves the details of many microscopic processes such as collisions. Poincaré proved the famous regression theorem: a finite mechanical system will return an infinite number of times to a point that is infinitely close to the initial state. This was the curse that haunted Boltzmann all his life. Gibbs proposed an axiomatic formulation of equilibrium statistical distributions with great success. (Gibbs's work was immediately praised by Poincaré after it was published.) In Gibbs' theory, the spell is missing, but not yet cast out. In fact, microscopic reversibility refers to the evolution of molecular orbitals, while macroscopic irreversibility refers to the evolution of distributions, and the two are not necessarily opposed to each other.

In the summer of 1953, Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) simulated a one-dimensional nonlinear lattice of coupled oscillators with the then-new computer MANIAC, expecting to see the energy split equally between the different modes, but saw It is the Poincaré reversion phenomenon, which is called the FPU paradox. (Many people now think that the FPU paradox should be called the FPUT paradox, in recognition of the contribution of the Greek-born female scholar Tsingou, who was a programmer at MANIAC at the time.) Fermi's experimental design looks at molecular orbitals, and of course only sees Pang Calais returns. If you want to look at the distribution, you should consider the initial state set and allow for orbital mixing.

Understanding the connection between molecular orbitals and distributions, statistical mechanics is one end and nonlinear dynamics is the other. In terms of how to describe nonlinear dynamics in distribution language, Kolmogorov proposed that a physically meaningful invariant distribution is an invariant distribution that survives after the system adds noise but the noise intensity tends to zero. Baker map: when 0 ≤ x < 1/2, (x', y') = (2x, 1/2 y); when 1/2 ≤ x < 1, (x', y' ) = (2x - 1, 1/2 (y + 1) .) is among the simplest examples of reversible dynamics and is worth demonstrating Kolmogorov's ideas in systems such as kneading maps.

8 Time Evolution of Distribution Function

The statistical mechanical state of the system is a distribution function supported on the microscopic phase space. The distributions processed in statistical mechanics, and the time evolution of macroscopic thermodynamic quantities, take into account time scales that are much larger than the microdynamic time scales of molecular orbitals (in a 6N-dimensional phase space). The Gibbs ensemble theory does not contain time, and stipulates the writing method of the equilibrium distribution function, which only shows that the free energy of the equilibrium state is the smallest compared with the non-equilibrium distribution, but does not indicate that it tends to equilibrium. The Liouville equation, which is essentially equivalent to the molecular orbital dynamics equation, is not a suitable starting point. The principle that the time scales of orbital evolution and distribution evolution are separated from each other in Gibbs theory also applies to general or non-equilibrium distributions. To implement the spirit of the Gibbs equilibrium ensemble theory, it is necessary to give up the attempt to derive the distribution evolution dynamics equation from the molecular orbital dynamics equation, just as it is necessary to re-introduce new principles just like not trying to derive the quantum mechanics Schrödinger equation from the Hamiltonian mechanics equation Characterize the time evolution of a distribution function.

A necessary condition of the distribution evolution equation is that the equilibrium distribution is its stationary solution. The evolution dynamics of the system can be described most naturally and directly by the master equation. The master equation considering the evolution of the distribution is defined by the transition probability T(z → z′):

The transition probability T(z → z′) here is completely determined by the Hamiltonian of the system, which satisfies the following detailed equilibrium conditions:

The above distribution dynamics can ensure that the system tends to a regular equilibrium distribution Peq(z). If it is regarded as the basic principle of statistical mechanics, it can be expressed as follows:

The dynamics of the evolution of the distribution function of a system in a thermal reservoir or environment is described by the master equation (18) satisfying the detailed equilibrium condition (19).

It is worth pointing out that the detailed equilibrium conditions here are for the original 6N-dimensional variables, although the detailed equilibrium conditions may not hold in the reduced variable space.

The transition probability matrix T satisfies ∫dzTk (z′→ z) = 1, and has an eigenright vector 1. If T is irreducible, according to the Perron-Frobenius theorem, its spectral radius is 1, and the eigenleft vector corresponding to the eigenright vector 1 is a positive vector, corresponding to the equilibrium distribution. A generalization of finite Markov chains is the theory of compact transfer operators, including the Krein-Rutman theorem. In addition, discrete time can also be extended to continuous time.

The transition probability T(z → z′) as an operator is usually not Hermitian. It is convenient to introduce the following Hermitianization operator t:

The eigenvectors of the eigenvalue λ of T are denoted as Φλ(z) and Ψλ(z) respectively, let Φ1(z) ≡ Peq(z) , then the eigenvector of t is ϕλ( z) = Φλ(z)/ϕ1(z) , where ϕ1(z) = √Φ1(z) , which corresponds to eigenvalue 1, and all remaining eigenvalues ​​are less than 1.写成Dirac 记号形式,记Ψλ(z) → |Ψλ(z)> ≡ ϕ1(z)|ϕλ(z)> , Φλ(z) →
<φλ(z)| ≡[ϕ1(z)]-1 <ϕλ(z)| ,则转移算符< p>

= δμν 。任意分布P(z) 对应于

至于约化自由度的描述即物理现象的随机过程描述,与粗粒化程度有关。热力学几乎只适于静态,高频过程更多依赖微观描述。虽然朗之万方程可用于非马尔科夫随机力,但不便处理非线性,而福克尔―普朗克(FP) 方程虽可用于非线性和非平稳情形,但只适于白噪声。借助平衡解Peq ,FP 方程可表作

对于在势场U(x) 中的布朗粒子, Peq(x) = Ce-βU ,因而∂tP = ∂x[D(x)(β∂xU+ ∂x)]P 。这样的分布演化方程,满足趋于平衡,漂移项依赖于平衡解,驱动力将含平均场之类的有效场效应。考虑极性分子在非极性溶剂中的稀溶液, 电极化为P =Pd + Pa + Pe ,分别来自偶极取向、距离和电荷分布,后二者在红外和光学高频区有滞后,在慢变场下可吸收入ε∞ ,仅须处理取向项。设密度n 均匀,平衡取向分布为



统计力学必须以某种粗粒化将巨自由度的动力学演化转换为随机演化,其基本问题是给出该转换的数学逻辑,但尚未解决。久保指出,平衡统计力学建立在各态历经上,但进展有限。非平衡远为困难,首先是概念宽泛,须有所限制。两类限制之一是动理学方法,考虑玻尔兹曼型方程,但仅适用于平均自由程足够长,外场频率足够低的情形,不过不限于线性。另一类是近平衡过程,将非平衡性质直接与平衡涨落相联系,不依赖于上述的随机转换,因而可用于随机转换不可行或不必要的情形。后者不假定马尔科夫性或高斯性。二者的适用性有所重叠。 Van Kampen一度曾严批线性响应理论,认为轨道不稳定,微扰计算无据,微观线性与宏观线性完全不同,后者须由玻尔兹曼方程处理。然而,线性响应只微扰处理分布而非轨道,刘维尔方程的确与哈密顿方程等价,但噪声项或扩散项出现后不再等价。轨道不稳定性引起混合导致分布稳定性。动理学理论先随机化而后线性化,线性响应理论则顺序相反。顺便指出,多体微扰项非小量而为O(N) ,宜用约化分布或累积量。

