
序数词 序数词 second 2023-12-21 04:57:1017

20 英文序数词怎么写(20 英文)

  1. first

  2. second

  3. third

  4. fourth

  5. fifth

  6. sixth

  7. seventh

  8. eighth

  9. ninth

  10. tenth

  11. eleventh

  12. twelfth

  13. thirteenth

  14. fourteenth

  15. fifteenth

  16. sixteenth

  17. seventeenth

  18. eighteenth

  19. nineteenth

  20. twentieth


  • The child finished the twentieth puzzle in a row. 这个孩子连续完成了第二十个谜题。

  • The second car turned right at the intersection. 第二辆车在交叉路口右转。

  • The fifth book in the series is my favorite. 该系列的第五本书是我的最爱。

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