


优化营商环境,降低制度性交易成本,是减轻市场主体负担、激发市场活力的重要举措。当前,经济运行面临一些突出矛盾和问题。市场主体,特别是中小中型企业、个人 工商户生产经营仍存在不少困难,要积极运用改革创新方式,帮助市场主体解决问题、攻坚克难、恢复活力、增强活力,夯实基础经济复苏发展。市场化、法治化、国际化营商环境,降低机构交易成本,提振市场主体信心,助力市场主体发展为稳定宏观经济市场提供有力支撑。经国务院同意,现提出以下意见。



(二)着力优化工业产品管理制度。规范工业产品生产、流通、使用等涉及的行政许可和强制认证管理。实施工业产品家庭化管理,结合新产品开发设计,根据具体情况,取消或优化不必要的行政许可、检验、检测、认证等。2022年10月前,选择部分地区探索开展企业自查、检测、认证等试点。推动各地区完善工业生产许可证审批管理制度,建设一批标准、计量、检验检测、CE等质量基础设施一站式服务平台认证、产品标识等,实现相关审批系统和质量监督管理平台的互联互通,相关质量技术服务成果互认,促进工业产品快速生产上市。工业产品质量安全信用分类监管,2022年底前研究制定生产企业质量信用评价规范。 (市场监管总局牵头,工业和信息化部等国务院及各地区相关部门分工负责)

(三)规范行政许可和行政备案的实施。2022年底前,国务院有关部门将逐项制定中央制定的行政许可事项实施规范,省、市、县三级完成行政许可同级许可事项清单和办事指南。进一步推进告知承诺等改革,积极探索“一证一业”改革,推动行政许可环节、材料、时限、费用的减少。探索在部分地区开展联合审查和管理试点,加强事前、事中、事中全链条监管。在事件发生后。深入开展行政档案标准化管理改革试点,研究制定行政档案标准化管理政策措施。 (国务院办公厅牵头,国务院有关部门和各地区按职责分工负责)

(四)切实规范政府采购和招投标工作。继续规范招投标主体行为,加强招投标全链条监管。2022年10月底前,推进招投标、招投标全过程, 工程建设领域开标 招标领域数字证书在线办理及跨区域跨平台互认 支持电子营业执照在招标平台登录、签字、取消各地区违规设置的供应商预选库、资质库、名录库等,不得与当地企业注册或生产基地建设挂钩nes,采购当地供应商产品,进入当地支持目录等,并以中标结果,努力消除所有权歧视和当地保护等不合理限制。投标不得限制保证金的形式,不得指定出具保函的金融机构或担保机构。督促相关招标人、招标代理机构、公共资源交易中心等及时清退应退未退的保证金。 (国家发展改革委、财政部、市场监管总局等国务院及各地区相关部门按职责分工负责)

(五)继续便利市场主体登记工作。到2022年10月,制定统一的企业设立登记国家标准和审查标准,逐步实现内外资一体化服务,有序推进外商投资企业设立,实行网上变更登记。全面清理各地区非法设立企业跨区经营和搬迁限制。简化涉税、收费等事项的办理程序。企业跨区域搬迁 2022年底前研究制定企业异地搬迁档案转移规则 完善市场主体封闭制度,研究制定e 税收、社保等配套政策。进一步提升企业注销“一站式”服务水平,优化简易注销和普通注销流程。 (人力资源社会保障部、国家税务总局、市场监管总局、国家档案局等国务院及各地区有关部门按职责分工负责)


(六)从严规范政府性收费和罚款。严格执行行政事业性收费和政府性基金目录,依法依规严格控制新设涉企收费,严厉查处强制性税费、扣缴减税降费红利、违规设置罚款项目、擅自提高罚款标准等 严格规范行政处罚,进一步清理调整违规等不合理罚款法定权限设置和超额罚款,及时制定和规范罚款 制定和实施的政策文件将坚决杜绝以罚款增收、以罚款代管、奉行营利执法。 2022年底前,完成涉企违法收费专项整治,重点查处减费减负政策落实情况。实施收费政策惠及企业。 (国家发展改革委、工业和信息化部、司法部、财政部、国家税务总局、国家市场监督管理总局等国务院及各地区有关部门在按职责分工负责)

(七)推动规范市政公共服务超价收费。加强水、电、燃气、热力、通信、有线电视等市政公共服务价格监管,坚决停止强制捆绑、搭售等行为,对政府定价、政府指导的各项服务和收费项目实行清单管理,2022年底前实现装电、居民用电“零投入” 160千瓦及以下用户和小微企业在全国范围内全面推行非电网直供电价格,严厉整治在电费中违规收取其他费用的行为,实现直供家庭和d 尽快为符合条件的终端用户实现“一户一表”。督促商业楼宇管理人员及时宣传宽带接入。对进入市场的收费项目,严肃查处限制准入、暗中收费等违法违规行为。 (国家发展改革委、工业和信息化部、住房城乡建设部、市场监管总局、国家能源局、国家电网公司等有关部门和单位、地区按职责分工)

(八)规范金融服务收费。加快完善银行收费监管长效机制,规范银行服务市场价格调整管理,加强服务外包和服务合作管理,划定服务价格行为监管红线,加快修订《商业银行服务价格管理办法》,鼓励银行等金融机构给予合理优惠对小微企业,适当减免账户管理服务收费 坚决查处银行未按规定披露服务价格信息,在融资服务中未落实的实施小微企业收费政策、转移成本、强制捆绑捆绑保险或理财产品等。鼓励证券、基金、担保等机构进一步降低服务收费,促进金融基础设施合理减少交易、托管、登记、结算等费用。 (国家发展改革委、人民银行、市场监督管理总局、银保监会、证监会等国务院有关部门和各地区按规定负责)职责分工)

(九)清理规范行业协会商会收费行为。加大对行业协会商会收费行为的监督检查,进一步推进行业收费信息公示各级协会商会,严禁行业协会商会强制企业到特定机构测试、认证、培训等获取利润分成,或以鉴定、表彰、研究制定促进行业协会商会健康规范发展的政策措施,加强行业协会商会规范管理,充分发挥y 对他们 行业协会和商会在政策制定、行业自治、保护企业权益等方面的积极作用。 2022年10月前,完成行业协会商会违规收费清理整顿工作“回头看”。 (国家发展改革委、民政部、市场监管总局等国务院及各地区有关部门按职责分工负责)

(十)推动降低物流服务收费。加强港口、货场、专线等货运收费监管,规范船公司、船代公司、货运公司的收费行为货代公司等依法对空运等运输环节港口物流作业的时限和程序,加快推进中、小、大宗货物、集装箱长途运输,推进运输车辆及相关单证标准化,确保安全。在标准化的前提下,推动建立集装箱、托盘等标准化装载设备循环共享制度。 e 2022年11月下旬,开展不少于100个多式联运示范项目建设,减少企业重复投资,继续降低综合运价水平。 (国家发展改革委、交通运输部、商务部、市场监管总局、国家铁路局、中国民航总局、中国中铁等有关部门各部门、各地区按职责分工负责)



(十二)继续优化投资建设项目审批服务。优化覆土矿产、气候可行性、水资源论证、防洪、考古等评价流程,有条件的支持区域综合评价。探索运用市场机制推动城镇低效土地再开发,更好盘活现有土地资源。探索设立部门集中联办、并行办理手续,优化重大投资项目依法审批、应用落实土地使用、环评等投资相关事项,推动地方政府按职责分权实行试点承诺制,提高审批效率。 2022年10月前,建立投资监管部门与金融机构的投融资信息对接机制,为重点项目快速落地提供综合金融服务。到2022年11月,制定规范、规范的建设项目审批管理办法。到2022年底,各地区建设项目审批管理系统实现与市政公共服务企业的系统互联和信息共享,提升水、电、气、热接入服务质量。 (国家发展改革委、自然资源部、生态环境部、住房城乡建设部、水利部、人民银行、中国银行、保监会、国家能源局,国家文物局、国家电网公司等有关部门和单位、地区按职责分工负责)

(13)着力优化跨境贸易服务。进一步完善自贸协定综合服务平台功能,帮助企业用好区域全面经济伙伴关系协定规则拓展“单一窗口”“通关+物流”“外贸+金融”功能,为企业提供通关物流信息查询、出口信用保险办理、跨境结算融资等服务。搭建跨境电商一站式服务平台,为企业提供优惠政策申报、物流信息跟踪、争议解决等服务,探索解决跨境电商退换货难题e、优化跨境电商零售进口流程,促进通关便捷。 2022年底前,在国内主要口岸实现进出口通关业务线上化。 (交通运输部、商务部、中国人民银行、海关总署、国家外汇管理局等国务院及各地区有关部门按职责分工负责)< /p>

(十四)切实提升纳税缴费服务水平。全面推行非税收入通用缴费单电子化,推动各领域非税收入电子化征收,“跨省缴费” ” 方便市场主体缴费 办理事务。对已发现的退税汇算清缴、多缴、多缴的退税实行自动推送提醒和网上处理。推进出口退税无纸化流程。进一步优化退税办理流程,简化退税审核程序。加强退税风险防控,确保剩余退税款安全、快捷地到达纳税人手中。扩大“无接触”办税范围, p实施跨省远程电子缴税和银行邮税电子缴费服务。在 2022 年 11 月之前,这将实现。 95%的税费服务事项在线办理。 2022年底前,实现报销、录入、备案、存储等电子发票(财政部、人民银行、国家税务总局、国家档案局等国务院及各地区有关部门)按职责分工负责)

(十五)继续规范中介服务。清理规范无法律法规和国务院决定依据的行政许可中介服务项目,建立中央和省级——级行政许可中介服务项目 鼓励各地依托现有 省级统筹提供网上超市中介服务的政务服务体系,吸引更多中介机构入驻,坚决整顿指定中介机构等行为行政机关垄断服务,干预市场主体选择中介机构,依法查处强制服务收费中介机构。实施行政许可中介服务收费清单管理,清理规范环境检测、招标代理、政府采购代理、产权交易、融资担保评估等中介服务违法不合理收费。国务院办公厅、国家发展改革委)委员会、国家市场监督管理总局等国务院及各地区有关部门按职责分工负责)



(十七)创新实施精准有效监管。进一步完善监管方式,全面实施跨部门联合“双随机、一公开”监管,促进监管信息共享互认,避免多方执法、反复检查,加快建立健全市场监管、税收管理、进出口等领域信用分类监管体系,根据风险程度实施差异化监管。利用现代信息技术在安全生产、食品安全、交通运输、生态环境等领域实施现场监管,避免对正常生产经营活动造成不必要的干扰市场主体的权力。 (国务院办公厅牵头,国务院有关部门和各地区按职责分工负责)

(十八)从严规范监管执法。全面提高监管透明度。2022年底前,编制省市监管事项清单。严格执行行政三项制度law enforcement and establish violations of fair law enforcement. Typical case notification mechanism. Establish and improve the benchmark system for administrative discretion to prevent capricious law enforcement, different punishments for similar cases, and excessive punishment. Resolutely put an end to "one size fits all " and "sporty" law enforcement, and strictly prohibit market entities generally suspending production and business without legal procedures. . In the fields of market supervision, urban management, emergency management, fire safety, transportation, ecologica l environment, etc., formulate and improve law enforcement guidelines and standardized inspection forms, and standardize daily supervision behavior. (The General Office of the State Council takes the lead, and relevant departments of the State Council and various regions follow division of responsibilities)

(19) Effectively ensure fair competition among market players. Fully implement the fair competition review system. Before the end of October 2022, organize a special campaign to stop the abuse of administrative power to exclude and restrict competition. Unfair competition behavior identification standards, strengthen and improve anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition law enforcement, investigate and deal with malicious subsidies, low-price dumping, setting unreasonable trading conditions, etc. behaviors, and strictly regulate the occupation of operators' deposits and transaction funds due to stagnant pressure. (The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Justice, the People's Bank of China, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the State Administration for Market Regulation and other relevant departments of the State Council and various regions are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(20) Continue to strengthen intellectual property protection. Strict intellectual property management, standardize abnormal patent applications in accordance with the law, promptly investigate and deal with illegal use of trademarks and malicious trademark registration applications. Improve collective trademark and certification trademark management System, regulate the registration and use of geographical indication collective trademarks, resolutely curb malicious litigation or disguised collection of "membership fees", "franchise fees" and other acts, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of small and micro merchants. Improve new fields such as big data, artificial intelligence, and genetic technology , New business type intellectual property protection system. Strengthen the guidance for enterprises to respond to overseas intellectual property disputes, and issue guidelines for trademark rights protection in key overseas countries before the end of 2022. (The Supreme People's Court, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the State Intellectual Property Office and other relevant departments and units and regions according to the division of responsibilities)

V. Further regulate administrative power and effectively stabilize the policy expectations of market players

(21) Continuously improve the policy formulation and implementation mechanism. Establish a normal communication platform between government departments and market players, industry associations and chambers of commerce, so as to understand and respond to corporate demands in a timely manner. The formulation of corporate-related policies requires strict implementation of evaluation and demonstration , public opinion solicitation, legality review and other requirements, and the opinions of relevant enterprises must be fully listened to before the introduction of major enterprise-related policies. Before the end of November 2022, special supervision work on the implementation of the legality review mechanism of administrative normative documents will be carried out. Give full play to the Chinese government website The role of the online research platform and the platform for collecting opinions on government portals at all levels, grasp the timeliness of policy introduction and adjustment, scientifically set up buffer measures such as transition periods, and avoid "sharp turns" and policy "fights". Various regions are formulating and implementing In urban management, environmental protection, energy conservation and emission reduction, safety production, etc. policies, it is not allowed to increase the burden on the market players. Establish and improve the evaluation and evaluation system of major policies, scientifically study and judge the expected effects before the introduction of policies, and closely monitor the implementation after the introduction. Before the end of 2022, carry out evaluation pilots in major project investment, science and technology, ecological environment and other fields. (All regions and departments are responsible)

(22) Efforts should be made to strengthen the construction of government integrity. Improve the mechanism for keeping promises in government affairs, and administrative organs at all levels should promptly list the commitments made but not fulfilled in accordance with laws and regulations, and clarify rectification measures and completion. By the end of 2022, implement the compulsory disclosure system for overdue SMEs’ ​​accounts, and include delinquent information in the scope of active government information disclosure. Carry out delinquent small and medium-sized enterprises Centralized management of corporate accounts behavior, serious accountability for falsely reporting the amount of repayment or turning undiscordant arrears into disputed arrears, and cleaning up and rectifying improper profit-making by requiring small and medium-sized enterprises to accept debt certificates from designated institutions or discounting at designated institutions , and severely crack down on false repayment or disguised arrears by not signing contracts, not issuing invoices, not accepting acceptance, etc. Encourage all regions to explore the establishment of a coordination mechanism for the execution of government affairs integrity litigation and promote government affairs integrity performance. (Supreme People's Court, General Office of the State Council , the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Justice, the State Administration for Market Regulation and other relevant departments and units and various regions are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(23) Resolutely rectify inaction and chaotic behavior. All localities and departments must resolutely correct inappropriate performance of duties such as laziness and negligence, emphasizing form rather than actual performance. Strictly The boundaries of administrative power are demarcated, and there is no basis for laws and regulations, and the policies issued by the administrative organs shall not detract from the legitimate rights and interests of market entities. All regions should establish and improve the business environment complaint reporting and problem clues verification and handling mechanisms, and give full play to the 12345 government service hotline and government service platform. The role of other channels, timely investigate and deal with the inaction and disorderly actions reported by market entities and the masses, and effectively strengthen social supervision. The General Office of the State Council, together with relevant parties, should timely report typical cases of damage to the business environment. (All regions and departments are responsible)

All regions and departments should conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, strengthen organization and implementation, strengthen coordination, and speed up the formulation of specific supporting measures in light of the actual work, to ensure that various measures are implemented and effective, and serve various markets. The healthy development of the main body creates a good environment. The General Office of the State Council should increase coordination and supervision, summarize and promote the experience and practices of various regions and departments in a timely manner, and continuously expand the reform effect.

General Office of the State Council

September 7, 2022

(This is a public release)
